Frequently Asked Question

04. Is it possible to change the type of registration?
Last Updated 4 years ago

You can change the type of registration. For example, if during registration you chose the type "Supplier of goods and services" you could change it to "Technical designer".

Enter your PERSONAL AREA and click on your name in the top right corner, then on the link "Edit your account". On the next page, click on the "Change type of subscription" button and choose the new type from those available in the menu, then confirm your choice. Changing the registration type involves changing the data required for registration in the MANAGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION section.


The "Change type of subscription" button is blocked if you are already registered in a Supplier Register. In this case, in order to modify the type, you must ask the body or company holding the Supplier Register to cancel the authorisation to the register.

This type of request MUST NOT BE SENT TO TECHNICAL SUPPORT, as DigitalPA cannot cancel the subscription.

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